Happy Dad,
JWBorg.org is alive and will soon be online. Yep, gonna happen and you'll get your wish...
i was in the den when the old lady yell, "your friends are here".. at the door stood a jw.
hi sir (no good morning sir) we have a web site,.
jw.org in different languages.
Happy Dad,
JWBorg.org is alive and will soon be online. Yep, gonna happen and you'll get your wish...
Zeb -
Richard was the actor. David was the scientist.
i was in the den when the old lady yell, "your friends are here".. at the door stood a jw.
hi sir (no good morning sir) we have a web site,.
jw.org in different languages.
They are doing all of this so they can build credibility within the cyber world. These campaigns have only one purpose, to be able to count hits to the website and eventually make it the most popular website in the world.
May I suggest that instead of wasting everyone's time, they just post a few Youtube videos of Pharrell Williams' "Happy" dance videos or the "Gangnam Style" dance video from South Korea. They will get millions of hits.
Even better yet, have them put the masturbation makes Jehovah sad ASL videos on the site with funny vocal overlays. The videos are hilarious by themselves, but with a little scripting they would still get the point across and everyone would have a good laugh.
Or maybe if they want to get all serious and shit, then hey, make a 3-D HD movie like "Independence Day" or "Noah" and tell Bible stories or realistic interpretations of what Armaggedon will be like: "See the skin of the wicked ones melt before your eyes. Watch as the birds eat out the eyes of the injured. Watch as hundreds fall into a big earthquake crack just before it closes back up again. Watch as the dead rise out of their graves eager to get a Watchtower magazine in their hands so they will be judged worthy. Watch as angels descend down upon a nude beach a turn naked people into Krispy Kritters. Etc..."
Thousands would flock to their site just for the entertainment value. Instead of being rejected immediately when they knock on someone's door, JWs in field service will be greeted with, "Hey, I saw your movie on YouTube and HBO last night! That was amazing! Maybe I should actually have a Bible study."
There is absolutely nothing creative (except the bullshit doctrines) about Watchtower publications. No reason to read them. No reason to keep them. No reason to even take a free one ever. But hey, remember all the rapture movies that were made back in the '80s and '90s. Those things sold books and had amazing staying power on the Family Channel. People actually believed that crap. But what was entertaing was to see passengers in 747 realize that the entire crew (except for the black, Spanish, and Middle Eastern ones) suddenly disappear from the plane, leaving their uniforms and underwear in a heap in the aisle. That was some awesome special effect. And then the terror as all those doomed sinners realized they were about to die in a horrible flaming crash thanks to Jesus!!!
The WT and GB just need to use some imagination.
last notice for a new documentary produced for television on id discovery channel, based on jim kostelniuk's book, wolves among sheep: the true story of murder in a jehovahs witness community.. .
deadly devotion season 2:.
witness to murder.
Here is the link to the Kelle Jarka murder case:
As you read the news reports you will see that the JWs continued to support Jarka even after he was convicted. Sounds very much like the "Wolves..." story. They just can not believe that Jehovah's Witnesses can commit such horrible crimes. Everyone who mentions or reports on these cases are branded liars, apostates, devil-worshippers, etc.
I hate to say it, but I am really getting frustrated trying to reason at all with some of these JW apologists. They don't want to hear anything that goes against the grain. That is a sure sign that they are probably too damaged by the Watchtower's undue influence, propaganda, and outright lying. I'm afraid that some of these people will just have to be written off as casualties of war between the Watchtower and truth (spelled with a lowercase "T").
Everytime I hear or read those kinds of responses I am reminded of two events in my life that underline this exact anomaly:
When my parents were newly converted to Jehovah's Witnesses early in the 1950s, we went to spend a day with my grandparents. My father had been raised a Southern Baptist in the "Bible Belt" state of Oklahoma just before the Great Depression and the "Dust Bowl" years. Like most Baptists they didn't go to church much but they still believed it all with a passion. Being "born a Baptist" was very much a bloodline thing - just like being Irish or German. My father and mother spent much of that day preaching to my grandmother and brought a bunch of Watchtower and Awake! magazines and the maroon "Let God Be True" book.
After preaching to her all day, my parents were shocked to hear her dismiss everything they had told her with, "I was born a Baptist, I'll die a Baptist. Even if you proved to me in my own Bible that the Baptists were completely wrong, I'd still be a Baptist. I'll die a Baptist. I don't want to hear any of this ever again, even if you are right. I love you, but I'm not going to change my religion to get you to love me."
All the way home that night that was all my parents talked about. How could my grandmother be so hard headed and such a hardened person to reject Jehovah? We still visited my grandparents and my parents would try to sneak in a little witnessing from time to time - with no results. My grandmother just ignored them and went on about cooking up some fried chicken and baking a chocolate cake for dinner. She never changed.
Years later in the 1980s after I had been out for about 15+ years, I was visiting my parents who were then in their 70s - about the same age of my grandparents in the 1950s. When my father started witnessing to me and telling me that I really needed "to return to truth" - I mentioned again the issue of the failed 1975 prophecy and the changes to the elder arrangements. He listened politely but then said, "I love you Johnny, but you know your mother and I have been JWs now for over 30 years. Even if you could prove us wrong, we will never leave Jehovah's organization. We have been JWs for too many years to change now. We will always be JWs until we die - even if you could show me in the Bible that we were wrong."
I reminded him that he was repeating almost the very same words that his mother had used some 30 years before. "I know, I know. But this is our life now and it always will be. It's too late for us to ever change."
I really think that is the case with many JWs. They think they have no other place to go. They think that since no one else "has the truth," they should stick with the "truth" they know.
So even when JWs do horrible things to each other (murder, spousal abuse, child abuse, outright lies, false prophecies, changes in doctrine, etc.), Witnesses will just write it off and think - "Where else could we go?"
Frankly, I sometimes wonder why we bother. Let's support those who want to get out or who have been damaged by the WT cult. But I won't argue doctrine, prophecy or other inconsequential subjects ever again. They can believe whatever they want, even when it borders on the ridiculous. The responses to the "Wolves..." video is just another example of how completely brainwashed and damaged these people can be.
last notice for a new documentary produced for television on id discovery channel, based on jim kostelniuk's book, wolves among sheep: the true story of murder in a jehovahs witness community.. .
deadly devotion season 2:.
witness to murder.
KiddingMe, et al...
I've received about a dozen comments via my website (ex-jw.com) that indicated that "true believer JWs" didn't buy any of the show or the book. Here is a sampling (spelling errors not corrected) ...
"...I was told that thise book was actluly published as fiction but the arthur couldnt sell any copys so he change the story and called it facts and sold lot of copys to get rich and now he will get rich on the tv. Everry thing in the tv was just a lie that man was a jw but now he is a devil worshiper appostate..."
"...We watched the first 10 minutes of the show and wanted to puke. I could tell it was by apostates. I called my elder and he told me that apostates had paid the cable channel to make this pack of lies. Dont you people have any decency. Are you so Devil possessed that you could make up such lies. I can tell by the name of your webpage."
"...I heard that AWWA paid for this show to be made. You are part of AWWA and you should be ashamed of your selves. My father is an Elder and he told me that was why the show was made in canada because you can lie in canada and not get sude. You guys think you are so smart. How much did AWWA have to pay the cable company to show this TRASH"? "
There are a few others that basically are repeats of the above. But this last one makes me wonder WTF?
"...This show was so full of lies. Elders don't stand up and talk about things they sit around a conference table. and Jehovahs Witnesses don't smoke so her husband who killed her was never a Jehovah's Witness. Maybe he killed her because she had those children when she wasn't married and they were possesed sinners. Maybe he had lots of good reasons to kill her. Only Jehovah can judge him not some TV channel. Oh and all that lie about 1975 has been proven to be nothing but lies by apostates. Ha Ha!!!! I looked at the 1975 Watchtower and nothing was said about armegeddon. Ha!!!Ha!!! I asked my brother is an elder and he told me that and I know he knows he was alive then and remembers evertything."
I suspect that Barbara Anderson and others who promoted the show have or will get similar responses. The good news is that I actually got more inquiries asking when the show would be broadcast in Canada and other countries - so a lot of people really want to see this particular story. My guess is that a lot of them will be Jehovah's Witnesses who will secretly nod their heads in agreement as they watch.
This all happened in the 1980s, but remember that there was a horrific murder by an elder in Temecula, California just a few years ago. I think the family name was Jarka. I don't have time to look it up, but I think the story is covered on JWN.
ablebodiedman posted~ 10 mins ago (8/16/2014).
post 741 of 741. .
"i absolutely 100% believe in god, jesus christ and everything recorded in the bible.. the reason why is because of the overwhelming amount of evidence.. there is so much evidence that it has taken me years to examine what has cemented my own convictions.".
I love it when someone writes or tells me they believe in (a) the Bible, (b) Jesus, (c) God, (d) the particular religion they belong to "because there is so much evidence."
Then when you ask them what evidence? they answer that it "is in my heart" or "the world around us."
The only evidence they are presenting is that they choose to remain ignorant and ignore "so much evidence" that the Bible, Jesus, God and their particular religion are not so special and have no reason to exist.
This reminds me of the time I asked a person who claimed to be "one of the anointed" how he knew he was "one of the anointed"? Same kind of answer - "I know because there is so much evidence that proves it to me."
The reality is that we all think we are something special. Behind my eyes is "me" to me. I have a window on the world that no one, not even the person in the same room or standing next to me has. While I care about those close to me or someone within my visual limitations - there are billions of people and places that I can not relate to at all - and never will. But I am special, because I exist behind my eyes and se what I see.
People feel that they must affirm their belief in a god in order to have some validity in whatever place they exist. Jehovah God means nothing to some tribesman in Tibet, just as Vishnu means nothing to a cowboy in South Dakota. But there is just as much evidence that Vishnu is almighty god as there is for Jehovah. And just as much evidence that Buddha was the bearer of god's word as Jesus was. But if your feet are planted in Rome as opposed to the Australian Outback, then your impression of what is "so much evidence" will be entirely different. Remember the "Cargo Cults" of the Pacific Islanders? They truly believed that gods were in those airplanes and that someday one of them would land in their village and bless them all. Look! there goes another one over our heads!
Bart Ehrman's books and lectures make it so clear and he presents so much evidence that 90% of what modern Christian religions teach is just so much bullshit - and most of what we know is based on Greek and Roman theology and culture. Why are there "graven images" in Catholic and Orthodox churches when the Ten Commandments specifically ban "graven images"? Because Greece and Rome created and admired statues of their emperors, gods, and heroes.
Even the JW materials present both Jehovah and Jesus as old white men with white hair. Yes, one is a little younger than the other, but they both ride white horses (horses in heaven?) with an army of white guys also with white hair following behind them. So all the good and powerful persons in heaven are old white guys with white hair on white horses? Yeah, talk about all the evidence that proves the Bible is true.
End of rant...
this is a quote of a quote taken from anthoney mathenia:.
" for organizations like the watchtower, absolute control of their message is paramount.
it will not even allow its own adherents to spread their good news online.
Yeah, there will be a lot of buyers in line for that domain name...
i was watching a couple videos on youtube earlier and always like to peruse the comments at the bottom of the page.. i'm no sure if this has been discussed recently, but one indivdual made the claim that the societies numbers are massively over inflated, as he/she believes that they include inactive, df'd and da'd in their figures.. does anyone have any information to confirm this or i this just another assumption made without evidence?.
(also has anyone heard from witnessmyfury lately?
i had a pm chat with him a few days ago but not had a reply to my latest msgs.
Almost all growth within the borg falls in two major categories:
Baptized children of current JWs
Non-JW spouses and family members moving into JW households (retired or disabled parents, etc.) who convert to keep the peace
One other category that I keep tripping across that encompasses most non-JW related converts is due to personal tragedy:
"My husband had just been killed in a car accident. That very next weekend two nice JW ladies came to my door and offered me a free Bible study and explained how I could someday be with my husband again..." and others like that.
Also in this category are the co-worker or fellow student converts:
"My marriage was breaking up (or, my parents had thrown me out of the house) and I was desperate. Co-worker JW noticed that I was distressed and joined me for lunch and told me there was a place where I could get support and new friends. I finally decided to go to the Kingdom Hall and immediately felt welcomed and loved ("love-bombing" by the book). Everyone was so nice to me...etc."
My websites get a lot of emails that are either from leaving JWs who tell these stories about how they got hooked, or by newly converted JWs who are trying to convince me that JWs are really the good people they claim to be and that I am just printing lies about the Watchtower.
I don't think (other than in convention demonstrations) I've ever seen a case where a new JW was converted because the JWs convinced them during a door to door encounter or a formal Bible study. In fact, everyone that I've met that actually agreed to have a "free Bible study" ended that type of association between the 2nd or 5th study meet. Remember that a lot of Bible Studies reported on the annual report are actually family Bible studies with unbaptized spouses and children who have no choice but to convert.
That's not to say that no one has ever been converted due to a door-to-door visit. Richard Kelly's mother was converted that way. And Richard Kelly's mother converted my mother that way (actually through a door knock referral). But in both cases, our mothers were in desperate situations due to family tragedies or conflict. So they were vulnerable.
Those are the key words: Vulnerable or Related.
this is a quote of a quote taken from anthoney mathenia:.
" for organizations like the watchtower, absolute control of their message is paramount.
it will not even allow its own adherents to spread their good news online.
Looks like they've designed their website around the JW.org template - but using a Wordpress backend and theme. I expect others to do likewise very soon - but at some point the WT will start sending them prepared material to post on their websites and limit their features like comments and attachments. The Watchtower will take these over exactly as they have the Kingdom Halls. They will soon all look alike and publish mostly the same materials prepared by HQ. Anyone that will try to remain independent will get the DF ax.
it does no good for the governing body to burry their heads up their ass in denial as to what people who have left are saying about them and their insane selfserving teachings.
i know denial is a real bitch to deal with and i'm sure this bunch of over the hill gang will have a hard time doing google searches and they are probably not sure where to look but they oughta get some one to show them how to find all this information, this willful ignorance is really hurting them, and reality can come crashing in more horrible ways the longer the denial exist and is hiding valuable information you really need before you proceed to make better decisions for your company and the direction you want it to go..
The leaders (both corporate and religious) of the Watchtower are no different than the management and boards of big corporations like Exxon, BP, Monsanto, Shell, General Dynamics and others. They all are fully aware, both internally and via news and editorials, that their products are killing people, damaging the environment, changing the weather, and poisoning our food sources. They don't care. All they care about is their profit line and how many more millions and billions they can accumulate.
When the economy crashed in the USA in 2008 and nearly brought down the rest of the world with it, the only changes they made were to accommodate the government so that they could get huge influxes of government money to bail them out and save their companies. After it is all over do you realize that the corporate managers of all those banks and insurance companies are richer than ever? That even the Madoff family is still very, very rich?
So goes the Governing Body and the Pennsylvania and New York Watchtower corporations. They are still getting a constant flow of cash, even though they do not produce one single worthwhile product or service. They are a "charitable organization" that has no charities, provides no tangible services to their communities or society as a whole. They use the money to keep their corporate managers and Bethel volunteers on the job. In the background they are investing the funds in more real estate, hedge funds and sub-corps.
One of my contacts with close ties to WT HQ (whom I have quoted a few times here on JWN) knows that everytime a new policy or decision or a tweak of a doctrinal teaching occurs, there is a lot of "wink, wink, nudge, nudge" going on at the highest levels. It's the same as the top of the Mormon and Scientology corporations - they know what is going on, they are not nearly as stupid as they sometimes seem. Translate a whole new Bible from a few thin sheets of copper stamped on both sides by sticking your head in a hat with a few river stones in it behind a bed sheet? And do it all in Elizabethan English? Write science fiction stories and religious dogma at the same time while drinking yourself blitzo every night? Is that the way God reveals himself to man? Or is it just a way to create a con to suck in thousands of well-meaning wanna be doogooders? The leaders of the Watchtower are fully aware that they are promoting a con - and they don't care and will never care until governments finally take away their "freedom of religion" and "tax-free charitable organization" dodges. Oh yeah, Jehovah talks to each of the Governing Body members while they are praying in their closets - but messes with their heads by giving them all different takes on the same subject. He's jerking their chain - that's why every vote the GB takes is not unanimous or even has a passing majority.
It's a scam folks. And you can't reason with scammers. That's their skill - they can reason with you and get you to change your mind, but they know exactly what they are doing and why and never once lose any sleep over it.